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ADA Office Overhead Expense Disability Insurance Plan
Underwritten by Protective®

If you have to temporarily stop practicing due to a disabling Illness or injury, the bills can start adding up. Cover your professional business overhead expenses, and even your student loans, with this affordable plan.
Get a quote

Introduction Picture
ADA Office Overhead Expense Disability Insurance Plan Underwritten by Protective®
Introduction Picture
Introduction Picture

If you have to temporarily stop practicing due to a disabling Illness or injury, the bills can start adding up. Cover your professional business overhead expenses, and even your student loans, with this affordable plan.
Get a quote

Ready to get started?

Questions? Talk with an Insurance Plan Specialist at 866-607-5338 for assistance (weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time) or Email ADAPlanSpecialist@protective.com.
